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M4. The Big Bad World
M2. Thriving
M7. Feeling Festive
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M1. En Vogue
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This house thinks fashion is as important as sport
This house would require fashion companies to use models representative of the range of body shapes
This house thinks fads will never go out of fashion
This house thinks fashion empires have no clothes
This house believes we only dress up for other people
This house thinks following fashion is so last season
This house would be a dedicated unfollower of fashion
This house thinks fashion is as important as sport
This house would make fashion brands show all body types
This house thinks there will always be a "latest thing you've just got to have"
This house thinks that big fashion brands are just empty marketing ideas
This house believes we only dress up for other people
This house thinks being trendy is out of style
This house wouldn't care about what's trendy