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M4. The Big Bad World
M1. Surviving
M6. The Spirit
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M1. How Much We Work
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This house believes in a four-day week
This house thinks people work too hard
This house would never work on Sundays
This house thinks all play and no work makes Jack a dull boy
This house would rather have three short breaks than one long one
This house is happy that there are those who pursue success at the expense of happiness
This house thinks no one should work for more than 2 hours without a break
This house thinks the country should switch to working four days a week
This house thinks people work too hard
This house would never work on Sundays
This house thinks all play and no work makes Jack a dull boy
This house would rather have three short breaks than one long one
This house is okay with people who work hard for success, even if they're not happy
This house thinks no one should work for more than 2 hours without a break