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M4. The Big Bad World
M1. Surviving
M6. The Spirit
ultra Sub-Subject
M1. The Taxman
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This house believes in tax, not philanthropy
This house would impose a boomer tax
This house would compel the highest earners to donate 10% of their income to charity, over and above current taxation
This house would tax all inheritances the same as income
This house thinks inheritance tax is the fairest tax
This house believes young people should have negative tax codes (they should get given money until they are earning well)
This house believes people should be helped by taxes on everybody, not by individuals giving to charity
This house would have a special tax for older people who have a lot of money
This house would make the people who earn the most donate 10% of their income to charity
This house thinks money left by people when they pass away should be taxed like money people earn
This house thinks the tax on money left by people when they pass away is the best kind of tax
This house thinks young people should have their earnings topped up by the government until they earn enough to support themselves