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M5. How Humans Should Be
M1. How We Run the World
M4. The Lowdown on the High-Ups
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M2. Nations & Borders
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This house believes the UK would be better off as 4 nations
This house thinks countries are unnatural
This house believes London should be a separate country
This house thinks you can't judge one nation by the standards of another
This house believes that the story of every nation is a work of fiction
This house believes that eventually there will be one world culture
This house believes the United Nations is fundamentally flawed
This house believes class divides people more than country
This house believes the UK would be better off as 4 nations
This house thinks countries are unnatural
This house believes London should be a separate country
This house thinks you can't judge one nation by the standards of another
This house believes every country makes up a national story to make itself look good
This house believes that eventually there will be one world culture
This house thinks the United Nations can never work properly
This house thinks your social level divides people more than where you're from