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M2. You Shall Not Pass!
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This house thinks D&D is good life training
This house thinks fantasy should be left in childhood
This house thinks fantasy is the best mode of transport
This house believes fantasy is more real than soap operas
This house thinks the fantasy genre is for people who can't handle reality
This house believes magicians should never let the audience in on their secrets
This house believes fantasy is a rehearsal for reality
This house thinks adults think childhood is better than it is
This house believes Dungeons & Dragons is good training for life
This house thinks fantasy should be left in childhood
This house thinks fantasy is the best mode of transport
This house believes fantasy is more real than soap operas
This house thinks the fantasy genre is for people who can't handle reality
This house believes magicians should never let the audience in on their secrets
This house believes fantasy is a rehearsal for reality
This house thinks adults think childhood is better than it is