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M5. How Humans Should Be
M2. The Scales of Justice
M5. The Naughty Step
ultra Sub-Subject
M3. Lawlessness
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This house would brainwash criminals to prevent them from reoffending
This house believes treating people equally is unfair
This house believes the talents you are born with are not your own
This house believes schools llife should be more like real life and not make allowances for people's differences
This house thinks prohibition leads to crime
This house believes it is unfair that some people are more talented than others
This house believes socialism is built on resentment
This house thinks a victimless crime is no crime at all
This house would reduce taxes for women until the gender pay gap has disappeared
This house believes we should break laws if we think they are unethical
This house thinks forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter
This house believes you don't own yourself
This house thinks a more equal society is better, even if the poor would be better off in a more unequal one
This house believes free speech includes the freedom to offend
This house thinks freedom is overrated
This house thinks you are free to do something as long as no one is stopping you from doing it
This house thinks you can't be both free and happy
This house would brainwash criminals to prevent them from reoffending
This house believes treating people equally is unfair
This house believes your natural gifts don't belong to you and have to be shared
This house believes school llife should be more like real life and not make allowances for people's differences
This house thinks banning things makes people want to do them even more
This house believes it is unfair that some people are more talented than others
This house thinks the belief that the rich should share their wealth is built on envy
This house thinks all punishments should be in public
This house thinks the job of Prime Minister should alternate between a man and a woman
This house believes we should break laws if we think they are unethical
This house thinks things you're not allowed to do are more tempting
This house believes you don't own yourself
This house would rather have less stuff in a world where people have the same stuff than more stuff in a world where other people have much, much more
This house thinks you should be able to say anything, even if it upsets people
This house thinks freedom is overrated
This house thinks you are free to do something as long as no one is stopping you from doing it
This house believes a perfectly free world would be perfectly horrible