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M4. The Big Bad World
M1. Surviving
M6. The Spirit
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M5. Being Rich
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This house believes everybody should be able to know everybody's wealth and income
This house believes Scrooge had the right idea about money
This house thinks wealth insulates you from the real world
This house thinks most millionaires are underpaid
This house would ban billionaires
This house would keep their money in gold
This house would steal from the rich to give to the poor
This house thinks you can't put a price on happiness
This house thinks everyone should know how much money everyone else has
This house thinks being very careful with money, like Scrooge, is smart
This house thinks having a lot of money keeps you from understanding real life
This house thinks most millionaires are underpaid
This house would ban billionaires
This house would keep their money in gold
This house would steal from the rich to give to the poor
This house thinks you can't put a price on happiness