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H7. Just the Universe and Everything In It
H1. Science
H2. The Ethics of Science
Choose a motion
This house is glad science got started before the ethics committees
This house thinks there are some things that scientists shouldn't research
This house believes parents should be allowed to choose the characteristics of their babies
This house believes that research into cloning should be stopped
This house thinks we should not use unethically obtained data in scientific research
This house is happy that science began before people worried too much about rules
This house is glad science got started before the ethics committees
This house thinks there are some things that scientists shouldn't research
This house thinks there are some things that scientists shouldn't research
This house thinks parents should be able to choose what their babies are like
This house believes parents should be allowed to choose the characteristics of their babies
This house believes that research into cloning should be stopped
This house believes that research into cloning should be stopped
This house would not use science data that was gotten the wrong way
This house thinks we should not use unethically obtained data in scientific research
Choose an ultra sub-subject
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