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M2. Stuff That Entertains Us
M6. Stories
M1. Fantasy, Legend & Fairytale
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This house, as an Ancient Greek, would rather not be noticed by the Gods
This house thinks that since people stopped believing in myths, there's been something mything
This house thinks Lord of the Rings is a rip-off of the myth of Odysseus
This house believes fantasy is a rehearsal for reality
This house thinks Prometheus is a role model
This house believes magicians should never let the audience in on their secrets
This house thinks adults think childhood is better than it is
This house believes fantasy is more real than soap operas
This house thinks the fantasy genre is for people who can't handle reality
This house thinks fantasy is the best mode of transport
This house thinks fantasy should be left in childhood
This house thinks D&D is good life training
This house thinks Iron Man isn't a real superhero, he’s just rich
This house believes invisibility is an unethical superpower
This house thinks technology makes superheroes redundant
This house would rather be a minor character in a novel than the hero
This house, as an Ancient Greek, would rather not be noticed by the Gods
This house wishes people still believed in mythical tales
This house thinks that since people stopped believing in myths, there's been something mything
This house thinks replacing elves and goblins with humans would improve fantasy stories
This house thinks Lord of the Rings is a rip-off of the myth of Odysseus
This house believes fantasy is a rehearsal for reality
This house believes fantasy is a rehearsal for reality
This house would rather have lived in Ancient Greece
This house thinks Prometheus is a role model
This house believes magicians should never let the audience in on their secrets
This house believes magicians should never let the audience in on their secrets
This house thinks adults think childhood is better than it is
This house thinks adults think childhood is better than it is
This house believes fantasy is more real than soap operas
This house believes fantasy is more real than soap operas
This house thinks the fantasy genre is for people who can't handle reality
This house thinks the fantasy genre is for people who can't handle reality
This house thinks fantasy is the best mode of transport
This house thinks fantasy is the best mode of transport
This house thinks fantasy should be left in childhood
This house thinks fantasy should be left in childhood
This house believes Dungeons & Dragons is good training for life
This house thinks D&D is good life training
This house doesn't think Iron Man is a real superhero because he's just wealthy
This house thinks Iron Man isn't a real superhero, he’s just rich
This house believes the superpower of invisibility sets a bad example
This house believes invisibility is an unethical superpower
This house thinks modern technology means we don't need superheroes
This house thinks technology makes superheroes redundant
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M3. Immortal Stories
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M2. You Shall Not Pass!
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M1. With Great Power