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M5. How Humans Should Be
M2. The Scales of Justice
M5. The Naughty Step
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This house thinks prohibition leads to crime
This house thinks forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter
This house believes we should break laws if we think they are unethical
This house thinks a victimless crime is no crime at all
This house would brainwash criminals to prevent them from reoffending
This house would welcome a department of pre-crime
This house would criminalise the failure to snitch on a criminal
This house would make paying ransom illegal
This house would let a henchman go free if it led to the capture of the villain
This house thinks there should never be a time limit on the prosecution of crimes
This house thinks praise works better than punishment
This house would make fines relative to wealth
This house thinks people who are already wealthy should get longer sentences for money-making crimes
This house would seek compensation rather than retribution
This house would seek revenge on their enemies
This house thinks school exclusion is a suitable punishment
This house thinks remorse should not reduce a sentence
This house thinks banning things makes people want to do them even more
This house thinks prohibition leads to crime
This house thinks things you're not allowed to do are more tempting
This house thinks forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter
This house believes we should break laws if we think they are unethical
This house believes we should break laws if we think they are unethical
This house thinks all punishments should be in public
This house thinks a victimless crime is no crime at all
This house would brainwash criminals to prevent them from reoffending
This house would brainwash criminals to prevent them from reoffending
This house would like to read criminals' minds and lock them up before they commit a crime
This house would welcome a department of pre-crime
This house would criminalise the failure to snitch on a criminal
This house would criminalise the failure to snitch on a criminal
This house would make paying ransom illegal
This house would make paying ransom illegal
This house would let a henchman go free if it led to the capture of the villain
This house would let a henchman go free if it led to the capture of the villain
This house thinks there should never be a time limit on the prosecution of crimes
This house thinks there should never be a time limit on the prosecution of crimes
This house thinks praise works better than punishment
This house thinks praise works better than punishment
This house thinks rich people should pay bigger fines
This house would make fines relative to wealth
This house thinks people who are already wealthy should get longer sentences for money-making crimes
This house thinks people who are already wealthy should get longer sentences for money-making crimes
This house would rather get paid back than get even
This house would seek compensation rather than retribution
This house would seek revenge on their enemies
This house would seek revenge on their enemies
This house thinks school exclusion is a suitable punishment
This house thinks school exclusion is a suitable punishment
This house thinks feeling sorry shouldn't make your punishment less
This house thinks remorse should not reduce a sentence
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M3. Lawlessness
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M2. Stop! Thief!
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M1. Punishment